Thursday 10 March 2016

THE SMEAR CAMPAIGN - Hallmark of a Narcissist or Sociopath

THE SMEAR CAMPAIGN - Hallmark of a Narcissist or Sociopath

Sociopath a.k.a. Anti-Social Personality Disorder or Psychopath

When you are under libelous attack by a person who has deceived and defrauded you, there is a possibility that the person is a sociopath.Sociopaths have no heart, no conscience and no remorse. 

They will lie, cheat and steal from you and then tell everyone that it is all your fault.

It is impossible for healthy people to imagine how a sociopath thinks. Try for a moment imagining having no conscience? The best way to sum it up is "You are not a person to a sociopath". The shortest route between a sociopath and his or her agenda is a straight line, regardless of who or what stands in the way. A personality disorder is not an illness per se; it is simply a disorder. Many mental health professionals will tell you that apart from a miracle of God, they cannot be treated or cured; they are programmed for life.
"Since their information -- including emotional information -- is scattered all over both brain hemispheres, it takes too long for the brain to retrieve and process information, and the entire process of socialization becomes so ponderous that ultimately it fails."

(From the book "Without Conscience" by Robert Hare, PhD.)

So how many are there? Depending which expert's estimates you use, psychopaths / sociopaths comprise one percent to four percent of the world's population. And many experts think these estimates are low.

Why is it so critical for you to know about sociopaths? Because millions of sociopaths also called psychopaths, are living among us. Yes, many of them are criminals, locked up in jail. But far more are on the street, hurting people without openly breaking laws, operating in the grey areas between legal and illegal, or simply eluding the authorities. They can appear to be normal, but they pose a tremendous threat to us all

Sociopaths have no heart, no conscience and no remorse. They don't worry about paying bills. They think nothing of lying, cheating and stealing. In extreme cases, sociopaths can be serial rapists and serial killers.

Think you can spot a sociopath? Think again. Sociopaths often blend easily into society. They're entertaining and fun at parties. They appear to be intelligent, charming, well-adjusted and likable. The key word is "appear." Because for sociopaths it's all an illusion, designed to convince you to give them what they want.

If you expect sociopaths to have a crazy or sinister appearance, you're sadly mistaken. Sociopaths look non-descript, average or attractive -- just like anybody else.

Sociopaths come from all walks of life -- including well-educated, well-off families. Many sociopaths, therefore, have good social graces. They know how to dress and how to behave in polite society.

This doesn't stop them from lying, cheating and stealing. On the contrary,it makes their deceptions easier. Sociopaths from middle-class or privileged backgrounds often excel at white collar crime -- fraud, phony stock schemes, conning, embezzlement.

Why sociopaths are hard to recognize

1. They're fluent talkers (liars). Even when caught in a lie, they change their stories without skipping a beat.

2. They're totally comfortable in social situations and cool under pressure.

3. They use family or business connections to make themselves appear legitimate.

4. They often become, or pretend to be, clergy, lawyers, physicians, teachers, counselors and artists. Most of us generally assume people in these positions are trustworthy.

5. They're happy to exaggerate -- or fabricate -- credentials. Few of us check their references.

6. They will say absolutely anything to get what they want. The words, to them, mean absolutely nothing.


  1. So very true! If they lose money, it is your fault. If they default, you did something wrong and spent all their earnings. If they even fail an exam, it had to do with you keeping them from excelling. Amazing!

    1. Anonymous10:28 PM

      Everything is your fault. All. They will never change. The only option is to leave, divorce, end it. I tried and I tried and all is got was more lies, more cheating. So tired of it. My life is good now. I might have lost material things on this divorce but I have my self respect, my dignity. And I sure don't want any std from these whores he was messing around with. They can have him. Loser that's all I can say. I am sad those evil creatures exist. And yes they are in all kinds if professions. Mine was a highly decorated army retiree and then a respected cop. 

    2. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Omg, I never imagined there were more people suffering in relationships in the exact way I am! I have been w a trust fund 50 year old baby for almost 5 years. I've tried to leave more than half a dozen times, he threatens me w serious consequences to bring me back. Police, abuse groups and the legal system have all been thwarted by him. I'm not allowed to work, have money, go anywhere by myself. I am a beautiful intelligent woman who was fooled manipulated and trapped in this scenario, and wish to just leave, unscathed.

    3. My youngest son's mother I a full blown sociopath. Because her actions She has set my life back almost 4years. 3 while I was with her and almost one year after she found her next victim. Because of all the years she stressed me out of my mind almost I had a stroke,because I could not believe that a person can do do much harm to another without putting there hands on you.I've lost everything because of her and I have yet to start to build my life once again. Two weeks before I moved away I did some research on line to try to find out what kind of person can be so cold ,that's when the word sociopath came up. I was shocked, because I had no idea that I was living with one. it gave me goosebumps and gave me the creeps.

  2. Wow! What a timely article! My ex-husband is hell-bent on destroying my life through any means necessary, yet he maintains to me and anyone within screaming distance, that it's ME who's the "crazy" one. I'm a firm believer of crazy is as crazy does so who's the crazy one? :-)


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